BOBO"ldHHHHHHH !"lZ- Rilla ChaneyjFLOM!`x(HHR[ (hh t2 HK'd"5So "_#l `/b9H/H/"bk [mUO'DSET$ Q!"kt""kdJ" "IfJ"$J" $ %~  : d      Q]^                          R $ % - ~   l m             P !Q "[ !   ! " !     #  !      $ " "Separating Substances in a Mixture Problem: Is it possible to separate substances in a mixture using only physical means? Materials: Salt (NaCl) Wire Mesh Stirring Rod Sulfur (S) Tweezers Beaker Benzoic Acid Balloon Flask Iron (Fe) Funnel Small Petri Dish Chives Filter Paper Watch Glass Ring & Stand Distillation Apparatus Water (H2O) Mortar and Pestle Plastic Wrap Alcohol (C2H5OH) Magnet Waxed Paper Heating Tray Background Information:  Hypothesis: How can you separate the mixture of chives, sulfur, iron, benzoic acid, and salt? Procedure: Step 1: Obtain all supplies, except the distillation apparatus. Place the sample of mixture on the waxed paper and spread it out evenly. Step 2: Remove any large pieces of chive with the tweezers or by sieving through the wire mesh.. To remove smaller pieces, statically charge a balloon by rubbing it against your hair. Place the charged balloon near to the mixture. Wrap chives in plastic wrap and label them. Step 3: Remove iron filings by running the magnet over and through the mixture. Wrap the filings in plastic wrap and label. Step 4: Put the mixture in a beaker and pour about 15 ml of water into it also. Stir well. Step 5: Set up the ring stand and place the funnel in the ring. (See Fig. below.) Place a labeled filter paper inside the funnel. Place a flask below the funnel, so the funnel stem is inside the top of the flask. Pour the water solution into the funnel, but try to keep any solid material in the beaker. Fill the small labeled petri dish with the solution and place it on the drying tray. Place any extra solution inside the distillation flask. Step 6: Pour 10 milliliters of alcohol into the beaker and stir well. Place a clean flask, watch glass, or large petri dish under the same funnel used in step 5. Pour the entire contents of the beaker into the funnel paper. Collect the solution, label it, and place it on the warming tray to evaporate. Step 7: Observe the filter paper to see if any product has been left behind. Place the filter paper and its contents aside to dry. Results: In order to determine that you have separated the mixture, you must obtain the same materials at the end which you observed placed in the mixture. Observe all of your products and compare them with the original ones f from which the mixture was made. Conclusion: ZNl&&DSET2H c1-"Y6*YDSETH<"x""4 " G55MMee}}]3]3]35]35]3M]3M]3e]3e]3}]3}]3]3fff5f5fMfMfefef}f}ff55MMee}}ttt5t5tMtMtetet}t}tt55MMee}}]3]3fftt]3]3fftt55]35]35f5f555t5t5MM]3M]3MfMfMMMtMtMee]3e]3efefeeetete}}]3}]3}f}f}}}t}t}]3]3fftt ]3]3]3f]3f]3t]3t]4 5]3]3 ']35f]3f5]35t]3t5]45M]3]3 '5]3Mf]35fM]35Mt]35tM]4Me]3]3 'M]3ef]3Mfe]3Met]3Mte]4e}]3]3 'e]3}f]3ef}]3e}t]3et}]4}]3]3'}]3f]3}f]3 }t]3!}t]4"  """""0""p4""""n"""""""""H"l"d""\"""p ""l"`"","l"""" "4"<"""P"m ""\""j""j"" """<"j"D"p""$x""<""`"""t"L"h""""""d"""j"x""|"""",""@"0"""|"""(l"o"""""""X""$"""l""T"$)% * &+',(-).* / +0,1-2.3/405162 73 8 495:6;7!<8 = 9>:?;@<"A= B >C?D@EA#FDSET02H5 c"X Y[3_3ffrv 2[3 7J[3 Ob[3 gz[3 [3_3+ff++rv+7_3Cf7fC7Cr7vCO_3[fOf[O[rOv[g_3sfgfsgsrgvs_3ff r!v"6*YDSETT """Y "   " SubstanceDSETT("L"Y  )") Attraction to Static ChargeDSETT""pY"  "| Attraction to MagnetDSETT"D" "Y"  "H Solubility in AlcoholDSETT "@"`"\Y"d  " Solubility in WaterDSETT "j"l"Y) + "ChivesDSETT "p""pY") + "8SulfurDSETT  "k,"@"Y") + "( Benzoic acidDSETT "T""Y"d) + "IronDSETT"t"X"<Y"$ ) + "SaltDSETT"""8Y "    yes DSETT "p"@Y "|   " noDSETT ""pY "h   ` noDSETT"mx"x"Y "0   "l noDSETT""kXY "l   "$ noDSETT """Y "D   "x noDSETT "P""Y "h   " noDSETTt"lY "   " noDSETT"0""Y "0   "` noDSETT "d"Y "   " noDSETT ""4"Y "m   " yesDSETT "x`Y "   "l yesDSETT&""Y "   '"' no DSETT ""Y    " yesDSETT"L""(Y "   "( no DSETT"X"Y ",   " noDSETT""l"tY "   "( noDSETT  ""Y "0   " noDSETT! "pH"x"Y "   " yesDSETT" "p"<"Y "   "l yesDSET2H# LY$6*YDSET2H$ @#Y>N=%%M%6*YDSET2H%"nY=&*Y=$Y=$Y=$YDSETT:: &%;"k$"ot="@<  ' ;6:&;% <